Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lend others your ears

Post 25 Listening is an art

“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears” as spoken by Mark Anthony in Julius Caesar Act 3, Scene 2 shows that in delivering a message, it is important for the audience to listen. The message can only be clearly understood when it is clearly heard.
The atmosphere during dinner parties or social gatherings is that of noise and excitement coupled with uproarious talk and laughter. Hence, there will be situation when both invited speakers and guests at a gathering speak at the same time. This is especially conspicuous when old classmates and friends meet again after decades of years. Speakers who are wise know how to keep their speeches short and concise to avoid the embarrassment of being ignored.
Listening is therefore an art. It is an etiquette which should be inculcated from young. It reflects the personality and self-restraint of a person. Listening is vital in personal, social and business relationships. A person who is impatient and does not listen to others may be deemed to be self-centred and is not interested to know what the others are saying. Listening is important in communication and in the fostering of mutual respect, understanding, trust, and acknowledgement. Listening gives others a special feeling of appreciation that at least someone is willing to listen.
A good listener makes a good conversationalist.
22 December 2009


  1. In the year 2007 we had a gathering of about 60 ex college mates. At the dinner, I could hardly hear my own voice....Everybody wanted to be heard..and I wonder how many were actually listening...

  2. When we listen with our heart and with respect, we will give the speaker a chance to complete what he wants to say, without interruption.

  3. I agree with you Juliet. Many people have lost this trait...

  4. “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

    - Epictetus quotes (Greek philosopher associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)

  5. Merry X'mas and Happy New Year to Uncle Ho and Pretty Juliet. May your life fill with joys and happiness. Cheers for good Health!!!
    I'm willing to lend my ears if you need it, a very good student of me, miss ya...:)

  6. Thank you Leen. Will definitly fill your ears with lots of stories and news when we meet again.
