Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Post 132 The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

Having witnessed many of my classmates, college mates and friends migrating overseas, I come to understand the meaning of the idiom ‘The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’ better. A pasture full of grass is meaningless when its abundance is out of bound and so one is forced to change one’s mind set. One then has to break through the ‘fence’ in one’s thought before deciding to move on to the new and greener pasture. This action of going to a better place or job is one’s choice.

Before retiring in July 2008, Bill Gates gave his ten advices to high school students. Bill Gates told the young people his top golden rule: “Life is not fair - get used to it.” He says no one in the world can change this because injustice prevails in the society. The students were told to try to adapt it. For those who break the fence to cross to the other side of the pasture, they know the rule and adapt it by shifting their goal posts. When people choose to live the life they want, any value judgment on them is not justified. I wish all those whom I know in the new pastures the best of everything.

A person has choices while facing the challenges in life. He can choose to be a parasite throughout his life and live on hand-outs thereby losing whatever dignity he has; one can walk tall and believe in his ability to be independent; or one can move around globally in realising one’s dream.

No one can see the future but our attitudes in life can tell. - quote by Ho Nee Yong

21 February 2012

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