Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Post 88 An episode in a foreign city

Having crossed the Niagara Falls border from Canada to Buffalo, USA, my family and a few relatives went for lunch at a Chinese restaurant. After that we went shopping at a mall as part of the program for our one-day trip. As no one could beat ladies in shopping, I gave up half-way and decided to wait for them at a centre point before going for dinner.

A local white man came and sat next to me at a bench. He must have just taken a few drinks for he looked a little bit drunk. We had a short chat. Unexpectedly he told me,”I admire you people.” I asked, “Why did you say so?” He replied, “Because you all can speak English well.” I thanked him for the compliment.
iAs the drunk will tell the truth, I believe he must have met and spoken to tourists whose mother tongue was not English but were eloquent at it. I would have continued our conversation if he had not fallen asleep. I still remember the facial expression and sincerity of this man whom I met by chance in the early 1990s.

If the man had been sober, I would have had the opportunity to learn from him on social-cultural issues that shape his thoughts and perceptions.

I still appreciate what this gentleman had told me. He made my day in a foreign city.

29 March 2011

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