Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Post 48 Strength of character

A person who works hard to earn an honest living has backbone; whereas a person who expects handouts from others is in want of it. It is even more pitiful when a person tries to profit by other people’s toil.

In order to manifest our strength of character, we must have the attitude of wanting to excel in whatever we do. The culture of self-reliance and self-respect must be present. Success has much to do with our perspective in life. We can choose to muddle along and be mediocre and incompetent, or commit ourselves to working diligently with enthusiasm. We can choose to walk tall or blame others for our failures.

Respect is earned not demanded. It is the attributes like kindness, integrity, determination, diligence and forbearance which earn a person respect from others. We need people with such qualities to make this world a better place to live in.

Take a positive attitude, be inspired, and be committed in our endeavours. Life will then become meaningful.

1 June 2010

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